Ocean GEOtronic® USA

Author: blogger

Peltech S.r.l., well known for their work and research in the field of thermoelectricity, manufactures a number of products that make use of the most advanced technology available in the field at present.Click Here to see all Models

Peltech is proud to introduce the line of Ocean GEOtronic® year round temperature regulating devices for aquariums. Our patented technology, using the Peltier Effect for both heating and cooling, provides continuous and smooth thermo-regulation of both fresh and salt water units.
Peltech's Ocean GEOtronic® models are the most advanced and provide an innovative solution for thermo-regulating the aquarium. There are NO thermal shocks, NO annoying vibrations, NO use of gas and NO compressor noise. Additionally, there are no moving parts other than the fans. All of the Ocean GEOtronic® models are made of corrosion resistant materials which do not need specific maintenance.
Couple the ease of installation to all the above, and you will see why Ocean GEOtronic® has been called the "Plug and Play" product within the aquatics category. So you can just:

“Set it and forget it"


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