This is one of the true wonders of the world and also the world’s biggest structure that can be seen from outer space. I am talking about the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, whose beauty cannot be imagined unless experienced personally. Made of 2600 different reefs, it is around 2000 km long. It starts just south of the Tropic of Capricorn. Dating back to around 18 millions years ago, the Great Barrier Reef was declared as a World Heritage Area in 1981. This was primarily due to the spectacular beauty of the place and even because it supports a wide diversity of life, which includes many vulnerable or even, endangered species.
The name of this reef was derived because it is an outer reef that reaches a depth of about 60m. It is situated along the Australian continental shelf with the channel between the coastlines. The Great Barrier Reef is composed of composed of billions of coral polyps. These tiny organisms help in supporting the entire system of the reef. The corals on the reef, date back to millions of years ago. The polyps keep multiplying and their skeletons turn white when they are completely dead. The survival of the polyps is very important for the sustenance of the reefs. The corals need an environment that is conducive for them to survive. Various factors such as the temperature of the water, the salinity and even the depth of the water, count in their survival. Today there are nearly 400 types of coral in this reef. This area is also rife with plenty of species of fish and other sea creatures.


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